This is not meant as a judgment on anyone.
But he provides what i think is a simple way of explaining how Pre-marital sex or porn could cause issues within a marriage.
Growing up most boys are told they need to "sow their wild oats" before getting married. Most girls are told the opposite.
Anyway, i wanted to share this before i forgot.
If i can find the video clip online i will share with you.
Again, this is not to judge, but hopefully something we can use to share with our children or loved ones as they reach that all so delicate age where this comes into play, as well as maybe understand our own selves in this area.
Lord, you are awesome, and know we are not perfect. I lift up all us parents, uncles, aunts’ grandparents, etc, that are raising children Lord. That when the time comes for the “talk” that you give us the words to speak truth into their lives. That we are able to tell them that what they see on TV or in the movies is not necessarily Good or correct behavior. Lord I ask that those parents that are currently dealing with pre-marital sex with their children, that you first touch the parent’s heart and mind, and give them the strength to have that talk with their children again or first time. It is not too late Lord, through you all thing are possible. I pray that people feeling bad about themselves right now, for whatever Reason, that you show them your love for them, that there is no need to do certain things to love someone. I pray that whatever hurts may have brought them to this point, that You HEAL, HEAL, HEAL, Lord. That anyone that has had a negative experience, such as molestation or rape as a child or adult, that you show them that, this is not what it is like out there. That you bring healing to them as well, and the right person or persons in their lives as proof of your Love and what it is You know and want for them. That from Today on, Lord we love and Respect ourselves and our bodies. That today on, we are new in You, no matter the past, whether it was a choice or not! That we see how beautiful we are in your eyes and that, that is all that is Important! Lord you ROCK! In your Precious Name! AMEN AMEN
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