See you in Heaven on Saturday? Oh Yeah!!!!! Party!!!!! ??????

So, I guess our time is coming to see the Lord! Yippee!!!! It is about Time!! Sheesh, i don't have to work anymore, i can spend time with my wife and daughter and get to know my grandfather from my Dad's side.  See some family and friends that have been partying with Jesus for some time now.  I am so excited!!!! 
Okay so i bet you're thinking i have gone bonkers! 
Heck, No! Now don’t get me wrong, a part of me would love to be hanging with Jesus and not be focusing on how our country is being run, or the price of fuel, etc. My selfish me, would love to see my daughter graduate college, get married, and have a couple of kids, so i can spoil them rotten!!! But the Daddy in me also does not want her to live through the Hell that is coming our way with all the idiots running this world. I respect my Government and follow the laws as the Bible tells me to do, okay maybe i drive a little bit over the speed limit, LOL, but i respect them, doesn’t mean i have to agree with some of the wonderful decisions they make. 
Sorry, off my soap box! LOL
So we have this group from Family Radio, that have people across the country and the world with banners, billboards, posters, etc, stating that Judgment day is coming tomorrow.  WOW, i get goose bumps just thinking about it.
The point i believe they are trying to get across is to get people to come to Christ. Do you think this works?  Okay so they come to Christ because they are scared of getting to the pearly gates and having the lever pulled and falling down to hell, as depicted in the Tom and Jerry cartoons. 
I know this will happen in some way, but once someone comes to Christ because they are scared of hell, then what?  They have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior, but then what? What does it all mean; we are saved, from hell? From ourselves? Form others? What does it mean?
What has happened to teaching the Good things about Christ, our relationship with HIM and others. Love, Peace, Joy, etc, wow sounds like a 70's commercial. Once someone is saved, what are these groups or churches doing with these people, giving them signs to go warn other on the street? I think is anything some of these Groups give Christians a bad taste in peoples mouths. 
I have skimmed through the what i call the Hallelujah channels on TV. Again, i respect many of them, but there are those few that have been preaching about the end of times and that is all they are talking about. Watch out for the flying horse scorpions, and all that good stuff, which again i think it is important to learn and understand, but what does it have to do with what God wants from us? 
Matthew 24:4 (The Message)
 4-8Jesus said, "Watch out for doomsday deceivers. Many leaders are going to show up with forged identities, claiming, 'I am Christ, the Messiah.' They will deceive a lot of people. When reports come in of wars and rumored wars, keep your head and don't panic. This is routine history; this is no sign of the end. Nation will fight nation and ruler fight ruler, over and over. Famines and earthquakes will occur in various places. This is nothing compared to what is coming.

Okay, this says to watch out for False prophets, it has to be tough nowadays to know, because of the earthquakes and war that is really going on. So how do we really know?  I will let you tell me! PLEASE POST A COMMENT! I would love to hear from you about this!
I am really looking forward, to our Pastor preaching and spending a few weekends talking about this starting this weekend. and it will not be the doomsday version.
DUCK!! WATCH OUT!!!! I thawt I sawed a Puddy CadDragon with 4 heads!

Lord, if your time is coming AMEN! But i lift up those people right now that are actually worried and concerned about what is being publicized out there. Lord, show them you are a God of Love, yes you are coming back and that is going to look like what it is going to look like, but only you know when, and how that will happen.  Lord, i pray for those that are on the fence about you, that they do see YOU for who You ARE and not what YOU are NOT! That if we are still here on Sunday, that those that fell for any misrepresentations of YOU, eyes are opened and You speak to them and tell them where to go for real true representation of YOU! 
I pray against any Stress in people’s lives having to do with this or just the economy. That we remember it is YOU that gets us through all this not US. We can't do it without You and we tend to forget that when times are bad. I pray these things in your Precious name AMEN! 

Fun Prayer!   
Lord, Why didn't you give me the idea to charge people to take care of their Pets when they are resurrected!
This guy is making big bucks!!!!


  1. Matthew 24:36 (Amplified Bible)
    36But of that [exact] day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

    The word of God says that NO ONE, NOT EVEN JESUS knows when He will return so in my opinion. If God did not share that information with His Son, the one who is perfect and was born without sin, the one that did ONLY and ALL as his Father asked then why would he share that with someone else who would not be worthy of the information? If the fact that Jesus was crucified is not enough for people t realize the depth of His love, I don't think He would choose fear as a tactic. I know that I would not want the love (or pretending) from someone that I had to force to be in relationship with. Thats just my 2 cents! Plus Jesus is coming back for a Holy and Blameless church and right now we are so far from that!!!

    That's definitely creative marketing though!


  2. This reminds me of the boy that cried Wolf!

    Keep your guard up, for the real date!

  3. Amen! @ Haydee.
    @ Annoymous- Interesting that you mentioned the Cried Wolf. It will be intersting to see how this group explains that we are all still here. They did this back in 1994 i believe. The leader will most likely disappear with the 18 million dollars he has raised, and resurrect himself on a island or something. LOL
    Thank you for Sharing.

  4. I love this, I must admit I was little behind with this whole story. Not good at watching the news. Good point what's going to happen the next day? They may be winning people over to Christ out of fear but then what happens on Sunday? A lot of people are doing fearful soul winning instead of soul winning showing the Goodness of Christ, that's how it should be done. Not so much of the rules of "don't do this and don't do that but more of "improve your life, better your life, live for Christ and he Blesses you" off track a little bit but I really don't like trying to win people over out of fear. Not as your main source anyway.
    I think I figured out how to leave a comment now haha. Keith

  5. LOL.
    The fear of the Lord is about Respect and not meant to be threatening. Thanks for the comments.

  6. In a way, Im happy this happened. There were many people who believed this group, however the ones who have a heart for Jesus were sinking the truth, The father has used us to remind them of Matthew 24:4,24:36... I do feel sorry for the ones who believed this group and now they May be discouraged about the word of God! My friends we must prepare ourselves by meditating on the word day and night. Matthew 9:37-38( The harvest truly is plentiful,but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.) Many will come to us, we must be prepared, and we must bring as many souls to heaven with us!

    p.s please pray for my babygirl, as she is not feeling well..

  7. Nice post. There are so many different groups out there that claim to be Christian. It's tough for new believers to now what is true. You are right we need to be ready and prepared and bold.
    Lord we lift up Anonymous's daughter, We pray healing over her for whatever is making her not feel well. and peace and rest for mom. In Jesus name AMEN!!!
