No MAS Pantalones- Quiet Time with GOD!

Most of us have seen the insurance commercial regarding the 2 insurance agents and  lier lier pants on fire... it cracks me. What does this have to do with the price of fuel in China?  Nada..
God puts people in our lives for a reason and we may never know fully why. As  new pastor i recently started to wonder why?  Our spouses,  co-worker, a  Neighbors, Friends, Enemies, etc  knowing that i may not ever figure it out i just gave up many of the kids from church have started to say, "GOD's GOT THIS"...and not that i am doubting any of of the people in my life, but it is interesting how lives begin to intertwine and you get to see God at work. sometimes slower than quicker.... NO MAS PANTALONES!!!!  

This Sunday i was teaching the kids at church about praying for our enemies. It was so neat, yet heavy on my heart to hear the kids share who or what bothers them. we talked about how it is easier to want to get back at these type of people or wish them harm.. it is a quick feel good, but not what Jesus wants us to do. I told them that Jesus wants us to pray blessings on our enemies or people that bug us. The kids went wild saying no way, thats too hard, that's crazy! They of course are being honest and real. It is amazing how as adults we forget to be real.  We prayed for our enemies and i also felt that they should know if they are the ones being the bully or mean kid  that we could pray for that as well.  I could see some kids really thinking about. A bit draining but well worth it.. God is good! 
The rest of my  day was spending time with family at birthday/shower for my sister. 
Go home to get ready for a quick trip to Dallas. Winding down for  evening and BAAM! DRAMA...
My daughter was acting a bit out of sorts and i had to get to the bottom of it.  The things running through my head , were things a father of a daughter could process in such a short period of time.  Of course it goes to the really out of this world type of things..
Anyway, i determined what was going on, not a huge deal as i was making up in my little old head, but it was for my baby. after things calmed down,  I was able to talk to her. i was doing all the talking and she listened silently.  I was able to share with her that, she has heard  me talking to the kids at church that we are always going to make mistakes and we either learn from them or continue to make them. I was able to share that a mistake or bad choice, is meant to learn from and use it to become a better person. We can not dwell on the past and need to focus on the future.. if we keep bringing up our mistakes we can never move forward and grow... as i was talking to her and sharing how much she has to be thankful for and to look forward to, the tears ran down my face uncontrollably, as i am now, similar to the women on those spanish soap operas that can cry on the spot!!! LOL I know i  know, i am a SAP..   
Ok back on track.  I told her she is responsible for  choices and decisions, and that NOONE can take who she is, away  from her, only she can.  She did not say a word, except for "don't put anything on the sofa i just cleaned it".  But, i feel she heard me, without saying anything else. 
This morning on my way to the airport i processed the evening event and again the tears poured out as if i was trying to gather water for the up coming drought.  
I got to thinking that God  wants to have those types of conversations with us.Quiet time!  
The problem is as teens and adults we don't sit still and give Him a chance to speak to us.  he has so much  He wants to tell us but we are so busy, with this and that and stressing about this and that, and asking God for help and yet nothing seems to change.   If we take the time to just be still and Listen.. WOW, the things that He would tell us with a soft caring tone. Some of it Would be awesome ,and some of it Would be that tough love kind of talk that fathers have to have with their girls and the boys that want to date them...LOL 
As i sit here typing this on the plane telling people i have allergies, i realize this is one of th  ose moments as a father that i will never forget. My baby is growing up. She is a  teenager, they say these are the tough years.  
I am so proud of her, and that we are able to one of those "weird moments" ... God wants to have these weird moments with Him.. Let Him Speak, Listen, Listen some more. He is so proud of us and loves us unconditionally why would we not want to listen?  
I love being a father!!!! I can only imagine how He feels for us!!! 


1 comment:

  1. Very good post Joe, it's great when those one on one moments sneak up with you. It's great that she knows she can talk to you.
