Usama or Osama! Dead or Alive?

So, the guy is finally gone! Of course, there are those that believe there is a conspiracy theory and that this was a scam drummed up by the US Government. I am not here to convince you either way. Does him being gone make us safer? Does spending Billions to Trillions of dollars make it worth it? Again, not here to sway you either way.

I would like to focus on the doubts of his death. There is not picture, they disposed of the body. so i can see how there might be doubt. But if we are to trust our Government should we not believe what they tell us? I know i know but let us just focus on the Osama thing. LOL

When God wants to use us, He does.  Sometimes we doubt ourselves, which can be seen as doubting God or not trusting Him.  It is easy to trust him when things are going good, but what about when things are going bad or when His plan for us is a huge change in our life, something out of our comfort zones. 

Why is it so hard, or is it really?  I know when i left my career after 12 years to go into full time ministry; it was actually an easy choice. Everyone around me thought i was crazy.  God opened the doors and He made it happen. Right, now i am struggling with a decision i made to possible have a chance to go into full time ministry. Now by struggling i do not mean i am second-guessing myself. I am at total peace with my decision to continue with my current plans and season. What is happening is that the enemy is now trying to cause me to try to doubt myself.  The enemy is trying to create problems that are not there at my current job.  And by doing so, he is trying to make me think "see if you go back into ministry you won't have to deal with this anymore. Knowing that does not make it any easier, but i do know it is not of God, and i trust God will put me where he wants me in His time.

Our pastor gave a great sermon on this this past weekend and it solidified my decisions, and that i am doing what God wants me to be doing for such a time as this. If you are in a place right now in doubt and not sure of yourself or of God. Leave it to God! God does not blur things He makes them nice and clear for us, we and/or the enemy are the ones that make it seem so hard to trust God.  Did i lose you?
 I also have been praying for our best friends who lost their beautiful daughter over 2 years ago. This mother's day was filled with joy because of the birth of their first grandbaby, so they are filled with blessings yet i know they are hurting because they are thinking about their daughter who is with Jesus.  I cannot even come close to understand how they feel or what they are go through on a daily basis. it is easy for outsiders to say, they will get over it; or the grandbaby will change things; time will heal, etc...  But the reality is that they are different people today than they were the night before they lost their daughter.   I can use the example of losing a part of your body. If you lose a leg, this dramatically changes who you are as a person overall. You cannot do certain things as easy as you could before. Yes, you learn to adapt and do things differently because the leg is missing. The fact is the leg is still missing.  You are a no longer the same exact person you were before you lost the leg. You are the same person in your soul. I cannot image losing a part of your family unexpectedly and try to be the same person you are, it is like the missing leg, this was someone they have had in their lives for just over 16 years. It took me a while to see and understand this for myslef, when i an with them.  The converstatiosn we have at times are different and how they process things are different. This is where they are at and all i can do is continue to be there for them and be the best friend i can be. Continue to pray for them, listen, support, and love them as i know how.  Some people have asked me if they blame God for their loss. I answer, i am sure they do not blame God, it was the drunk person behind the wheel fault.  Do they question God? I think any God Fearing person would. I know and fully trust God will bring healing to the family, but what that healing is, will look different for each and everyone one of the family members. 

 So what the heck does all this have to do with Usama or Osama? LOL not sure now, i just started typing and here i am! It has been awhile since i have written anything! Give me a small break.  

 If you are in a place where Doubt is over running your life and not a clear picture of who you are or what you are supposed to be doing, Talk to God about it!

 Jeremiah 29:11-13 (New International Version, ©2011)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Lord, wow, i am all over the place here today. I just ask you for clarity when the enemy try’s to fill our lives with fog. Lord i lift up anyone right now needing to hear from You, that they listen, listen, and listen, and trust in what You are telling them. If it is foggy, than it is not of You. I thank you for my friends and bring them into my family's lives. I pray for their new grandbaby and his parents. I continue to lift them up to You Lord, because you are their Father and you as a parent, i know you are in their lives!   Lord, i pray against the lies of the enemy. He has no place in our lives, though he thinks he has every right. In YOUR precious NAME!!! AMEN!
Prayer #2
Lord as we just honored our mothers this past Sunday, i say a special prayer for those single parents out there that are both a mom and a dad for their chidlren! Lord, give them strength, and wisdom as they support their families, bring people in their lives for support, and most of all Love on them!
In Jeuss name AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!  



  1. LOL! You really are all over the place, but then, aren’t we all? So much information coming from so many sources! God is that you trying to tell me not to go that way? But wait; now this sign, what does that mean, and what if the right thing is the wrong thing.
    Jeremiah 29:11-13 you speak he listens, you listen he speaks.

  2. LOL! I hear ya! So when God is Speaking to You how do you know it is Him?

  3. I "feel" no doubt. . .
    I'm not good on explaining, all I can say is that when he speaks You know it's him. The devil loves to put his two cents in, of course, anything to make You think again. Sometimes things look better on the other side of the river, but God wants me on this side, He knows best, I trust him, he won't forsake me.

  4. AMEN. so is hearing from God a Learned, taught, or a gift? Joe
