3 Times is a Charm?

So, i was accepted into the Manager in Training program at my company for 2012, after a 3rd time trying. i heard a lot of 3rd Time is a Charm.... 
What does that mean? 

  • There is superstition that it is unlucky to take a third light, that is, to be the third person to light a cigarette from the same match or lighter. This superstition is sometimes asserted to have originated among soldiers in the trenches of the First World War when a sniper might see the first light, take aim on the second and fire on the third.
        • The phrase "Third time's the charm" refers to the superstition that after two failures in any endeavor, a third attempt is more likely to succeed.

Bible Verse
"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus"
 Philippians 3:14 (New International Version)


Press On(1377) GREEK (dioko from dío = pursue, prosecute, persecute) means to follow or press hard after, literally to pursue as one does a fleeing enemy. It means to chase, harass, vex and pressure and was used for chasing down criminals. Dioko speaks of an intensity of effort leading to a pursue with earnestness and diligence in order to obtain. To go after with the desire of obtaining or in some contexts the desire to harm. It gives us the picture of going on the track of something like the hounds on the hunt and pursuing after the fox and implying a continuing effort to overtake, reach, or attain the goal.

I press toward the mark - As he who was running a race did. The "mark" means properly the object set up at a distance at which one looks or aims, and hence the goal, or post which was set up at the end of a race-course, and which was to be reached in order that the prize might be won. Here it means that which is at the end of the Christian race - in heaven.

For the prize - The prize of the racer was a crown or garland of olive, laurel, pine, or apple; see the notes at 1 Corinthians 9:24. The prize of the Christian is the crown that is incorruptible in heaven.
Of the high calling of God - Which is the end or result of that calling. God has called us to great and noble efforts; to a career of true honor and glory; to the obtainment of a bright and imperishable crown. It is a calling which is "high," or "upward" - (ἄνω anō) - that is, which tends to the skies. The calling of the Christian is from heaven, and to heaven; compare Proverbs 15:24. He has been summoned by God through the gospel of the Lord Jesus to secure the crown. It is placed before and above him in heaven. It may be his, if he will not faint or tire or look backward. It demands his highest efforts, and it is worth all the exertions which a mortal can make even in the longest life.

Bible Verse
1 Corinthians 9:24
 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.(NIV)
You've all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You're after one that's gold eternally(The Message)

Okay this was the long answer for the Question...LOL  I have worked hard and have been more focused upon my return to the company. My Leaders have helped refine my leadership skills which has helped me become the Leader i am Today... So, is third time a charm? I'll take it!!! LOL but really it is that pursuit of something, pursuit of the Goal, and of course we cannot forget it's God's timing. 
I remember when i was laid off from my full time position at the church, i was so excited, the HR person thought I was nuts,  because i really thought i was going to go out a run or lead a Children’s Program somewhere else, based on prayers and “signs”. I eventually took on a interim Director position as a Church. Whoo Hoo, NOT!! God showed me through the blindness of my excitement, that i was burnt out.  It was a hard lesson because i was sure it was God's Will for me, but what he really wanted was for me to Chill Out.. Rest.. Train or prepare for the next race.. I am still training and leaving it up to GOD as to the track or route that i am to take... 

I Pray that in these tough times that you do not lose sight of that. God has a plan for you! Even though we go through Hell sometimes, we make some good and not so good choices in life, You are still part of His plan! Ask Him what that is, He may not answer right away, or He may be answering you and you are just not wanting to see it.. He says, “Be still, and know that I am God… (Psalm 46:10, NIV). Sometime we just need to listen, sit back and see what we are doing, because chance are you are already doing His work.. It may not look like church work, or serving food at a homeless shelter, it may just being you and setting an example of Christ for the people around you. Just listening to someone at work drop their miseries on you, and they see Christ in you and you lift them up just by buying them a cup of coffee…I may be a Customer at work that you just smile or say something nice that makes their day… Making people laugh… Praying for people, making cakes for people, serving in the community, making a difference in someone’s life, your community… yes we need to support our churches, but that is not the only way God uses our gifts and talents! AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!!

Facebook Part Duex!

          You just posted something  or sent a private massage to someone specifically and they have not responded as fast as you want, and you tend to get antsy. , wondering why they are not responding right away.. Sound familiar?
If you sit with your phone with you 24/7 or stop what you are doing because your phone beep or computer is alerting you someone responded to back to you or made a comment....  Then you know what i am talking about... LOL
"When you are tempted, you shouldn't say, "God is tempting me."
 God can't be tempted by evil. And he doesn't tempt anyone.
But your own evil longings tempt you. They lead you on and drag you away.
When they are allowed to grow, they give birth to sin.
When sin has grown up, it gives birth to death "
 (James 1:13-15, NIV). 
"What i have noticed, and we all can speak to this, is that when people are stressed or under pressure or whatever, they start to look for something to get away, or if there is a void they try to fill it. Most people turn to Drinking, smoking, drugs, gambling, etc.. Now we have Facebook. People can connect with people, and do so in a manner without anyone seeing or everyone seeing and knowing their business. It is a quick fix."

Why is this? We can't wait to hear from a certain person or people.  We get impatient waiting to see what people or that specific person has to say to our post or response. 
We sit by our phones or computers just waiting for a response, that Quick hit". 
We are very familiar with it outside of social Media. Just talking to a specific person in person or on the phone or waiting for the phone to ring or email from someone.
It has just become a lot more easier with social Media. 

We have all experienced how the enemy can throw some bait in front of us and tempt us. Whether is it a good friend, old boyfriend or girlfriend, co-workers, etc... does not have to be a sexual thing but, we find ourselves, all of a sudden enjoying someones company more than usual, i am speaking more into the Facebook aspect or online, not in person, though it can be just as harmful.  Though not physically harmful, I have seen where it is mentally harmful or draining.
How people handle themselves is what can get them in trouble.. the temptation is there and they are thriving on it and their filters all of a sudden shut down and they can get sucked into harmful situations..... I would have to say or recommend that if you find yourself in a awkward situation, or you are spending way too much time on there, GET OFF.. don't let Facebook lead you down the path of sin as the Bible Verse stats above..  

Please note that i am not saying everyone that is on Facebook  is stalking someone or secretly has the Hots for someone.. Just like people who like to drink are not all addicts... I challenge you to chop off the amount of time spent on Facebook and see how you do.. Let me know!!!  

Americans Logged 101,000 Years of Facebook Time in Single Month
Natalie Wolchover, Life's Little Mysteries Staff Writer
Date: 14 September 2011 Time: 12:13 PM ET

A report released Sept. 11 by Nielsen, the media research and ratings company, reveals that Americans are spending more time than ever perusing social networks and blogs. Unsurprisingly, the report found that "Americans spend more time on Facebook than any other site."
In May, the most recent month for which data were collected, Americans spent 53.5 billion total minutes on Facebook — or roughly 101,720 years. As there were 140 million unique visitors to the site that month, the average user spent 382 minutes, or 6.4 hours, browsing Facebook in May.

Wow, that is a lot of Time... this has become the new couch potato....I could come up with a nick name for Facebook, but would probably offend someone!! LOL 

I know i am all over the place on this one... you should have seen the original entry...LOL
Facebook is a great tool to connect with people that we don't get to see on a regular basis.. It should not be a replacement for normal means of communication or therapy!!
Lord i pray right now for those having a difficult time right now with it being the holidays.  I ask that you touch their hearts and minds and show them the real reason for the Season...
I pray you bring people into their lives or a church that will make an impact on them.. I lift up those struggling with personal issues that they feel boxed in and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel..  I pray for relationships, finances, families, work, and health for those that are asking and those that are too proud to ask YOU!! I pray for any addictions out there! i pray you STOP them and heal people confined under the enemy!! Break the Chains! Heal the marks! Heal their souls.  Rain down your Glory and Mercy!!!!
In Your Precious name AMEN AMEN AMEN. 

Playing Santa!

One of my favorite Events!!!!
The school is located in a low income neighborhood.
They decorate their Activity Center with a festive theme.  
The Kids come in see Santa, get a hug or Fist bump, and a Candy Cane.
They then go in assembly line fashion and receive their gifts, from toys, books, shoes, and snacks.. 

The majority of the Kids light up when they get to see Santa!
The older ones are their usual skeptical selves, but we manage to get a smile or laugh out of them.. 
Santa tries to personalize each meeting to make it special for each child, it can be a their glasses, or a bow in their hair, to a Spiderman jacket, or their Hair style.  Every now and then I throw a “didn’t I see you at the mall or store last weekend” and get lucky.
The HUGS are my favorite part.
You can tell that some of these kids don’t get enough hugs!!
I have to add that the adults whether they are the school staff or parents, enjoy sitting with or on Santa’s lap as well!!!!

I'm Sexy and i Know it!!

     That has got to be the Stupidest song EVER, but i can guarantee  we are all singing it!! LOL
I am waiting to post the next part of Facebook Addition, but it has gotten out of hand with all the directions i can go with it..  so please stay tuned...
So today is my Birthday!!! I am 30 something....... and Feel Great...  Okay so i am really 40 something but you know how they say it's the new 30...I know Whatever Right!! LOL

Proverbs 4:10-13 (NIV)
10 Listen, my son, accept what I say,
   and the years of your life will be many.
11 I instruct you in the way of wisdom
   and lead you along straight paths.
12 When you walk, your steps will not be hampered;
   when you run, you will not stumble.
13 Hold on to instruction, do not let it go;
                                                                guard it well, for it is your life.
So i was thinking about this on my way into work at 2:00 AM. God's Word is our manual, similar to a Car manual..He gives us guidance , and what we need to do in order to live a fulfilled life in HIM.. So i was watching a TV evangelist this morning before i change the TV to MTV and saw the Sexy and i know it video, i don't think i knew this particular pastor, but he was screaming how we just have to believe and God will take care of our health and finances etc... and that was it.. this, to me is kind of scary, because Yes GOD can and will do anything.. he is God,, but i can see how this type of teaching can cause more damage to a new believer even a strong believe without proper teaching.... I don't Think God is a Stupid God... Why would He, though he can, heal someone who is purposely not taking care of himself...this is a person let say who knows he is eating unhealthy, an just not purposely taking care of his body and knows it.. he ask for healing but continues to do the same, keeps asking for healing and finally gets to the point he is in death bed, and still no healing, he all of a sudden based on what the pastor was saying is now blaming God for not healing him, because he was naming it and clamming it, it did not happen... Same with Peoples' finances.. If they are not using their money wisely, why would God want to help them, if they are just going to
end up the same as before... Again, i am not saying He can't do it or won't, but why would He..Now I know he provides us with opportunities to be Blesses by Him if we take advantage of them..  If we are bombarded with ways to eat healthy, or budget our money, these can be His ways of blessing us if we take advantage of it.. if we do not, we can easily put the blame on God for not receiving His favor... Please do not think i am against the name it and clam it pastors, but i do feel that there is a lot of responsibility attached to this type of teaching.. 
lord i lift up everyone right now, that is dealing with financial issues, health issues, being away from family for whatever reason; depression you name it, LORD and i asked that you touch their hearts, open their eyes, and listen to YOU.. YOU may have already answered their Prayers and yet they have not noticed it or want to.. Lord i pray for the upcoming holidays as this is a tough time of year for almost everyone.. i pray for peace on decisions that have to be made, for as my friend says, that they focus on the TRUE REASON FOR THE SEASON, and not so much of the commercialism that can easily cause depression.. I pray for those away from their families for work, military, or family issues that you touch everyone effected with your hand of comfort and love and help them make it through the way only You can!!! 
In Your Precious Name! AMEN AMEN AMEN!!! 

P.S. Spell check not working today!!! LOL i tried to clean it up as much as i could!!  

Facebook Social or Addiction? PART ONE

"Don't let anyone under pressure to give in to evil say, "God is trying to trip me up." God is impervious to evil, and puts evil in no one's way. The temptation to give in to evil comes from us and only us. We have no one to blame but the leering, seducing flare-up of our own lust. Lust gets pregnant, and has a baby: sin! Sin grows up to adulthood, and becomes a real killer" (James 1:13-15, The Message).

[n. ad-ikt; v. uh-dikt] Show IPA
1. a person who is addicted to an activity, habit, or substance: a drug addict.
verb (used with object)
2. to cause to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on an addictive substance, as alcohol or a narcotic.
3. to habituate or abandon (oneself) to something compulsively or obsessively: a writer addicted to the use of high-flown language; children addicted to video games.
         I did not realize that when I Googled Facebook addiction that i would have access to so many pictures and websites talking about this topic.  I will be sharing from my own experience as far as what I have seen or heard about Facebook or social networks in general. I will confess, i do not have a Facebook account nor do i want one at this time. I do connect, once in a blue moon, through my wife's account to check up on my daughter's account or to communicate with people that i can not get a hold of any other way...LOL 

"When the Internet clicked into the public consciousness more than a decade ago, experts debated its usefulness and staying power. Now, few would argue that mobile devices and online technology have become deeply embedded in society. Millions of Americans have become dependent upon the new digital conveniences that provide them with entertainment, information, products, and content. The impact of these technologies on interpersonal relationships - a domain often called social networking - has begun to rewire the way people meet, express themselves, and stay connected..."

Borrowed from:
   (Barna Technology Study: Social Networking, Online Entertainment and Church Podcasts  May 26, 2008. 
The Barna Group of Ventura, California, www.barna.org         
     OK, so do i have a beef with Facebook or MySpace or anything similar? not necessarily. When i first got into Myspace, back in the days, i quickly saw how ugly it could get if one wasn't careful.  Things were not blocked or censored as they can be now. Having a popular or common name, i had many people trying to connect with me that i never knew or did not want to know.  Myspace lasted about one month.  It was cool being able to design it the way i wanted and so forth, and i will admit that i was glued to it for a few days.
      There is a lot of issues going on right now with Social networks.  One, is that people are getting themselves into trouble and two, people cann't seem to get enough of it. 
Recently, in the state i live in, there was a Pastor of a Large church who stepped down, because of a relationship he got himself into, while being married. I know others have either connected with old boyfriends and girlfriends and have gotten themselves into or close to doing something they regret,
Why are we doing this to ourselves. 
        What i have noticed, and we all can speak to this, is that when people are stressed or under pressure or whatever, they start to look for something to get away, or if there is a void they try to fill it. Most people turn to Drinking, smoking, drugs, gambling, etc.. Now we have Facebook.  People can connect with people, and do so in a manner without anyone seeing or everyone seeing and knowing their business.  It is a quick fix.  I have seen post that say i am laying in bed doing absolutely nothing. or sitting here trying to figure out what to do.. or i am bored what should i do... wait for it.....wait for it... BAAM.... 10 people like it and another 20 comment on their post....  and then awwwweeee... i got my hit for the next 2 minutes.  2 minutes later another post, i just went to the bathroom, wow i feel a lot better....or i feel ugly... i look fat... my toes are crooked....Why don't people like me....You get the point.... I guess what i am trying to say is that i see people on the road, work, mall, in the same car or house glued to their facebook, it has become more important then paying bills or doing homework, or talking to their spouse.  People are waiting to see if anyone is paying attention to them. They use it to make themselves feel better or wanted, kind of like Drugs or maybe even sex. Now, it is not everyone, but it is a lot of people, we know who they are. and i do not want anyone to think i am talking trash about Facebook or Myspace, we can be talking about any other addictions....Stay Tuned...........!!!!!!!

I want to hear your comments on this, so PLEASE Post. this may lead int some deep stuff!!!

You can tell me i am crazy.   
"Friends, this world is not your home, so don't make yourselves cozy in it. Don't indulge your ego at the expense of your soul. Live an exemplary life among the natives so that your actions will refute their prejudices. Then they'll be won over to God's side and be there to join in the celebration when he arrives"       (1 Peter 2:11-12, The MSG).

Biology and God?

This was part of my Biology Class!
Blessinsg to everyone this week!
I pray this message touches everyone!
Pass it on!!!
Luv You!

Happy Birthday MADRE!

Before i go further, you have to say MADRE as a non-Hispanic in order for it to be funny.... Okay so its not funny!! My mom will laugh! 
What can i say about my mom? Wow, I could be here for days on end. Being my mom should be enough. She gave birth to me on a cold December day in The Bronx, and we were in the hospital for about 2 weeks cause she had to breath and push so much for me that she had an asthma attack. My dad, Cuco, came on leave from the military to see me in the hospital and the other fathers would say "wow, is that your kid?  when was he born? he would say today", after being there a week.  LOL
My mom is a beautiful woman, my sisters take after her.  She showed me how to make coffee and breakfast, at first i thought it was to help me be self sufficient, but every now and then i wonder if it was just so that she and Papi Simo could stay in bed relaxing from their busy week!!! Um?? LOL I may never know! But i can make coffee and a mean breakfast!!!! She is a smart woman, she of course married Cuco, without him i would not be here, and she later married Papi Simo who kept me in check growing up, and who helped give me my 3 sisters.. I know complicated, but awesome for me.  She has always been a hard worker and mother all at the same time. She taught me how to comb my sisters' hair and cook and care for them.  I definitely got a lot from that. I can make a killer braid and pony tail! I know i am a good father because of it. She raised me to be a man not a machista or male-chauvinist. She has always told me to be myself and yet respect others, at least in their face!! LOL She has a mean right and left hook, i deserved it though, I'll leave that story for another posting..... She has a huge heart as well as my two dads, i know where i get it from!! She always listened, when i was younger, without judging, but with a corrective ear. She loves to dance , know where i get that from as well. She is a Grandma now and has passed the same qualities to my sisters and now her grandchildren when she is not yelling at them to calm down and relax!! LOL 
Happy Birthday Mom!
I love you very much and i wish you many more!!

Happy Anniversary Papi and Mom!

Birthday Wishes all Around!

Happy Birthday to my Sister Tara.  She is the middle sister on my mom’s side.
 I'm one of the best and probably most confusing people you'll ever meet. I'm class but I'm sass, I'm quiet and I'm loud. I'm out-spoken yet I'm reserved. I'm honest. I'm real!” Ms. Tara.
Let me tell you she is REAL! She is working on getting her Masters. She has a huge heart.  She is not married but has a Dog!  She is taller than me! She loves and enjoys life.  She does not have children, but has 7-8 Nieces and nephews that love her to death! She loves to write. She is passionate about taking care of the Earth we live on.  She is Beautiful both on the inside and outside!  She loves to Travel! Continue to Be YOU and be Real! We love you just the way you are!  May the Lord continue to enrich your life as you touch and enrich our lives and those of many others!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Birthday Number 2
Happy Birthday to my Dad Cuco (nickname)!! Jose Aurelio Gonzalez, Gotay, De Leo.. .”WHATEVER”” LOL
What can I say about my dad?  He has a HUGE HEART, Loves to help others, way before he helps himself.  He loves to fish with the alligators watching and following him on his 6 foot “Yacht”.  He loves Life and no one can take that away from him.  His favorite phrase lately is “Whatever”…  He brings out the Best in people.  Though sometimes doing so, may piss a few people off, not because he does so on purpose, but because he is such a rarity in today’s world that those few don’t understand him.   To them “WHATEVER”.  The man is full of joy even if he is having a bad day, which you would never know he is having one.  My dad has touched many lives and continues to do so every day.  He has always told me to be myself and never change just because.  I see a lot of him and my other dad Simo, in me.  God has blessed me with not just one but two Dads in my life.   Happy Birthday POPS!  May God continue to Bless you as you bless others unconditionally!  You have made a huge impact on my life as a father and husband, and blessing others!  THANK YOU! Feliz día en tu vida, Padrecito que dios te bendiga, que reina la paz en tu Vida y que Cumples Muchas Más!!!

Romans 8:38-39

(The Message (MSG)

"There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture:

   They kill us in cold blood because they hate you.
   We're sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.
None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I'm absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced

My baby is growing up!

My baby is growing up.
Today my daughter turns 15!. 
I can remember her being born, my mother in law there at our side. 
She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. 
Now she is 15.
For Latin Americans this is a rite of passage -bestowed on girls at their 15th birthday and marks their transition to adult life.  Here In the states it is the sweet 16. 
Are there any countries out there that wait until their girls are 21 maybe 30?
My baby is growing up.
My baby will be driving soon. WOW! It seems like yesterday I was just learning how to drive under the “L” in NY, almost giving my aunt a heart attack!
My baby loves to dance, loves children, loves to sing, and most importantly Loves God! 
God has blessed Alissa and me tremendously with our baby!
She is 15 and soon 21 and then 30 and eventually we will let her date!
Happy Birthday Mamita! I love you very Much!
You are 15 Today! You are not a baby anymore.
But you you will always be my baby!
My baby is growing up!
Ecclesiastes 12:1 -3 “Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, ‘Life is not pleasant anymore.’ Remember him before the light of the sun, moon, and stars is dim to your old eyes, and rain clouds continually darken your sky. Remember him before your legs—the guards of your house—start to tremble; and before your shoulders—the strong men—stoop. Remember him before your teeth—your few remaining servants—stop grinding; and before your eyes—the women looking through the windows—see dimly.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”
1 Timothy 4:12 “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.”
Prayer Lulu
Lord I thank you for the Gift you have given my wife and I. The little bundle of Joy is growing up! I pray protection over her and everyone she comes in contact with! I pray for protection of her heart and mind.  Lord, you be her guide.  We know You have plans for her Lord, and pray she listens and follows those plans!

Prayer Victoria
I lift up Our Cousin Victoria, Lord i also pray protection over her and everyone she comes in contact with! she is an amazing young woman and continue to touch her and fill her up with you lord! May she continue to bless everyone who hears her sing and speak! That she keep her eyes on You. that she continues to hear your Voice as You guide her to Calling!!!

In Your Precious Name!!! AMEN AMEN AMEN

Tribute to Rhonda Smith!

"Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High:
And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me."
....How can one be thankful in a time like this you ask?...Be thankful for all the time and memories that you "surely have" had, don't focus on what you "should have" had. I'm at peace knowing that she is in peace...Be encouraged family!!!
Frank Cory Russell

These were a few, from many, of Rhonda's favorite jamz or singers. 

Heavenly Father we lift up those going through tough time with the loss of a relative or close friend.
I pray Clarity, Peace, Joy... Lord only you can give us the strength to move forward with life in these difficult times.  You are an awesome GOD! There is none like YOU! 
I thank you for who YOU are in our lives, and that we can go to YOU for anything!
I pray for healing for those not feeling good at the beginning of this week!
I also lift up  my family members our in Florida who's home caught fire.  Thank you for providing for them.. i also pray for the daughter who was in a car accident not too long after the fire. i thank you for you protecting her and being with her.  Lord the Blessing Must be huge for this family!!! I pray for them to be 7x7,

I leave you with a song lyrics of Trading My Sorrows:

Darrell Evans \ Trading My Sorrows
I'm trading my sorrow
I'm trading my shame
I'm laying it down for the joy of the Lord

I'm trading my sickness
I'm trading my pain
I'm laying it down for the joy of the Lord
And we say yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord
Yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord
Yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord Amen

I'm pressed but not crushed persecuted not abandoned
Struck down but not destroyed
I'm blessed beyond the curse for his promise will endure
And his joy's gonna be my strength

Though the sorrow may last for the night
His joy comes with the morning

Wow!!!! Mine is bigger than yours...No mine is bigger than yours.....

You would think that our politicians or representatives remember that they work for us and not themselves. I am so frustrated with our Government right now. They are more concerned about who is bigger than who.  We have to be the laughing stock of the WORLD. Our enemies have to be just getting a kick at what they are seeing on the NEWS, and Don't get me started on them!

Why should someone who works hard for his or her money bail us out, last time i checked we live in the USA not Cuba or Venezuela?  Why should i support lazy people? My step dad worked many jobs, including cleaning toilets to provide us with home and food.  I am all over the place on this thing. It reminds me of the movie Richard Prior was in where he was voting for NONE of the ABOVE.
Our founding Fathers must be rolling in their Grave.  I just finished a class, which took us back and taught us how the Founders were Christian and did base this country on Christian values. You have people that also push that the Founders were racist and much more. What are we to believe? Well i know we cannot believe what is on TV or on the Talk Shows. We have to study for ourselves. We have to educate ourselves.   If we rely on the media, the Enemy wins! I have said this before and will say it again, i do  not agree with Glenn Beck on everything he says, but i do like the fact that he tells his listeners to research things; to study, to not take his word but to find the truth in things.

This is the same for what we are learning in our churches. The Pastors are not god they are man, they are not perfect. We need to make sure we are taking what they are teaching , and studying ourselves. You can take one verse and tell people this is what GOD is saying, if we do not go to the WORD and see for ourselves we can be deceived by man and the enemy. 

I apologize, i happened to be catching up on the news and it i wish i hadn't.


Lord, i lift up our Government Right now; i pray they seek you in their decisions. This is not a Republican or Democratic issue; it is an issue of incompetency throughout.  Lord this is your Country, We are your People, Touch these men and women’s' hearts and minds!

Lord this is an embarrassment. Our enemies and Satan himself are just sitting there and laughing and licking their lips as to get ready for the kill.   Lord we look to YOU to step in and fight this battle for us. They are not listening to the people, they are listening to themselves and their greed and selfishness! I lift up our President and pray that his eyes be open and his ears listen to YOU, and not his advisers! That he rely on you and not his advisers!
LORD Come on down and KICK SOME BUTT!!!!
In your Precious name! AMEN AMEN !!!

Aqui se siente La precencia de Dios... a blast from the past.

I had a flashback today and have been singing some old School Coritos from my Pentecostal days!
I have been singing them since i got home from work!
This was the closest i could get to one. Some of the videos on YouTube are pretty bad.
In one of them it looks like one of the YOuth is holding a Snake LOL but i believe it is an Instrument of some sort! LOL
For you English folk, The gist of the song is

 The presence of God is felt here
I feel fire of the Holy Spirit 
I feel Joy
I feel Peace
I feel the love that God gives me
not a good translation but it make alot of sense in Spanish LOL
I will be back with  new post soon!
God Bless
Peace and Love and healing in Jesus' Name!
P.S. if you know where i can download any of the good old corritos, please leave me a comment.

Happy Fathers DAY and TUMORS?

  This is a double whammy!
First, i want to shout out to all the fathers and fathers at heart.
Be Strong, be brave, be real! , Be TRUE!
Lord i lift up all fathers to you right now. I pray wisdom, and your blessings on all the married and single fathers out there. That they look to you for advice, peace and love! Lord i lift up those single moms out there that are both mom and dad to their children. I pray peace, strength, patience, and HUGE Blessing. That their children honor them with respect, love, and joy! 

In addition, i do not know about you but i have heard about too many tumors lately, more so the last couple of days.

Lord i lift up the two people i know that are going to have surgery due to tumors. Lord i pray WISDOM for the Doctors, before, during, after the surgery. I pray for healing hands, I lift up everyone that will have access to the patients, their rooms, hallways, supplies and instruments. I pray a peace over the families and friends. You are a God of Love and not of confusion! I pray quick recoveries, i pray for favor and your covering over these two people i know! I pray a covering over their spouses Lord! 

Burn me up and Flush Me! LOL

Hola, long time no write. It has been a busy two weeks. Finished one class started another. Special project at work. Wife and daughter off for the summer from school, and i was blessed to help someone close to me put together a power point for his mom's memorial service.   I have to say it was one of the longest services i have attended. Though i have to say it was interesting.  
There was a lot of hurt, pride, tension and disconnection. There is that portion of the service where people get up and share a story or memory of the person. This was a combination of stories and therapy. Now please don't get me wrong i am not judging in no way shape or form.  Sitting there i really learned a lot about myself and my family. Have you ever wonder or thought about your own families and how crazy they can be?  Come on now! you know you have! LOL
This family was in such pain, all i could pray for them all.  The pain again for some of them was the loss of their sister, aunt, and MOM, but i realized a lot of the pain was how they were with each other as a family.  I am so proud of how the son handled himself during the whole service. He was a Rock for his wife and children as well as the rest of the family. It was an inspiration to see that amongst all the drama.  I saw the power of the Lord in him come out and kick some butt! AMEN!
Anyway, what does this have to do with being burnt up and flushed? Nothing. 
I do have to mention i have told my wife and daughter that if the Lord decides to take me, to cremate me and flush me down the toilet so my ashes can see the world!!!! This way they can spend the insurance money on things that matter most, new shoes and purses!  LOL I am sure i will hear from them after they read this. 
What is going on in our country lately? Tornadoes, Floods, Fires, etc....  You would think it is the end of the world or something? Okay i am not going there, but had to poke fun.  Seriously, I was tired of hearing about what the Government was and was not doing, but did not want to see all the destruction happening out there.  I have said this before, people may not believe in Global Warning, but i really think we are messing up our planet, call it whatever you want to but we are. 
Ok off the soap box.
There has been so much unhappiness lately that it can be draining. 

1 Timothy 6:11-12 (The Message)

 11-12But you, Timothy, man of God: Run for your life from all this. Pursue a righteous life—a life of wonder, faith, love, steadiness, courtesy. Run hard and fast in the faith. Seize the eternal life, the life you were called to, the life you so fervently embraced in the presence of so many witnesses.

Nehemiah 8:10
Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”

I read these verses and i think of the son in the story above, he could have been easily mourning his mom,  but he was celebrating her life and the impact she made on his life.  He was full of the Joy of the Lord.
I continue to lift his family up to You. I pray continued healing of hearts and mind, and souls Lord. Only You can do this!  I also lift up everyone being affected by "mother nature". Lord i pray that you touch their lives and show yourself in a mighty way. I pray for provisioning that, again only you can provide.

Lord you are the Lord of lords, King of kings! YOU ROCK!
I lift up those in need of healing in any form! Lord, touch them, take away the infections and fevers. The pain in joints and muscles. Away with Depression and Diabetes! 
All these things in your Precious NAME! AMEN AMEN!!!

Still Here!!!! Urgent Prayer Request!!!

Post image for We’re Still Here Twitter Hashtags and TweetsDarn!  So we are still here. Does that mean we got Left Behind?  NOT! I guess a few people really thought i was agreeing with the whole end of times. I was not, at least not for last Saturday.
Anyway, i went to the Grand Canyon this weekend for a quick Day trip with my mom, aunt and grandma. I hate day trips to the Canyon, but this was one of the best ones yet. It was not meant to be a fun trip so to speak.  We went to visit the site where we spread some of my uncle's ashes. It was a beautiful day. Nice ride up and back. Caught up on some of the family stories.  13 hour day with about 7 of it on the road.  I love to drive. 
So, really nothing on my mind right now to talk about. I would like to pray for all the kids that are getting ready to go into summer break!
Lord i life up all the kids getting ready to go on break. I pray for protection from anything harmful. I pray for safety and fun. Lord keep watchful eyes on all of them.  I pray for wisdom for their parents. In Jesus name! AMEN AMEN!
Please, please, please pray right now for a little 5th grade boy named Shawn who was hit on his bike by a truck on the street in front of ours (Meridian). I was told he flew seven feet before landing. He was just air lifted to probably the same hospital Kelly was at in the trauma unit. His life is hanging in the balance. Please re-post. Our prayers make a difference.
Update as of 1645 PHX Time
Report from Jason...Shawn is conscious and talking. Looks like a broken arm and broken ribs so far but he is alive praise God!

See you in Heaven on Saturday? Oh Yeah!!!!! Party!!!!! ??????

So, I guess our time is coming to see the Lord! Yippee!!!! It is about Time!! Sheesh, i don't have to work anymore, i can spend time with my wife and daughter and get to know my grandfather from my Dad's side.  See some family and friends that have been partying with Jesus for some time now.  I am so excited!!!! 
Okay so i bet you're thinking i have gone bonkers! 
Heck, No! Now don’t get me wrong, a part of me would love to be hanging with Jesus and not be focusing on how our country is being run, or the price of fuel, etc. My selfish me, would love to see my daughter graduate college, get married, and have a couple of kids, so i can spoil them rotten!!! But the Daddy in me also does not want her to live through the Hell that is coming our way with all the idiots running this world. I respect my Government and follow the laws as the Bible tells me to do, okay maybe i drive a little bit over the speed limit, LOL, but i respect them, doesn’t mean i have to agree with some of the wonderful decisions they make. 
Sorry, off my soap box! LOL
So we have this group from Family Radio, that have people across the country and the world with banners, billboards, posters, etc, stating that Judgment day is coming tomorrow.  WOW, i get goose bumps just thinking about it.
The point i believe they are trying to get across is to get people to come to Christ. Do you think this works?  Okay so they come to Christ because they are scared of getting to the pearly gates and having the lever pulled and falling down to hell, as depicted in the Tom and Jerry cartoons. 
I know this will happen in some way, but once someone comes to Christ because they are scared of hell, then what?  They have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior, but then what? What does it all mean; we are saved, from hell? From ourselves? Form others? What does it mean?
What has happened to teaching the Good things about Christ, our relationship with HIM and others. Love, Peace, Joy, etc, wow sounds like a 70's commercial. Once someone is saved, what are these groups or churches doing with these people, giving them signs to go warn other on the street? I think is anything some of these Groups give Christians a bad taste in peoples mouths. 
I have skimmed through the what i call the Hallelujah channels on TV. Again, i respect many of them, but there are those few that have been preaching about the end of times and that is all they are talking about. Watch out for the flying horse scorpions, and all that good stuff, which again i think it is important to learn and understand, but what does it have to do with what God wants from us? 
Matthew 24:4 (The Message)
 4-8Jesus said, "Watch out for doomsday deceivers. Many leaders are going to show up with forged identities, claiming, 'I am Christ, the Messiah.' They will deceive a lot of people. When reports come in of wars and rumored wars, keep your head and don't panic. This is routine history; this is no sign of the end. Nation will fight nation and ruler fight ruler, over and over. Famines and earthquakes will occur in various places. This is nothing compared to what is coming.

Okay, this says to watch out for False prophets, it has to be tough nowadays to know, because of the earthquakes and war that is really going on. So how do we really know?  I will let you tell me! PLEASE POST A COMMENT! I would love to hear from you about this!
I am really looking forward, to our Pastor preaching and spending a few weekends talking about this starting this weekend. and it will not be the doomsday version.
DUCK!! WATCH OUT!!!! I thawt I sawed a Puddy CadDragon with 4 heads!

Lord, if your time is coming AMEN! But i lift up those people right now that are actually worried and concerned about what is being publicized out there. Lord, show them you are a God of Love, yes you are coming back and that is going to look like what it is going to look like, but only you know when, and how that will happen.  Lord, i pray for those that are on the fence about you, that they do see YOU for who You ARE and not what YOU are NOT! That if we are still here on Sunday, that those that fell for any misrepresentations of YOU, eyes are opened and You speak to them and tell them where to go for real true representation of YOU! 
I pray against any Stress in people’s lives having to do with this or just the economy. That we remember it is YOU that gets us through all this not US. We can't do it without You and we tend to forget that when times are bad. I pray these things in your Precious name AMEN! 

Fun Prayer!   
Lord, Why didn't you give me the idea to charge people to take care of their Pets when they are resurrected!
This guy is making big bucks!!!!